Places To Shoot & Other Related Resources Within Illinois
The Springfield Tactical Shooters Club hosts shooting matches at our Curran indoor shooting range, located just southwest of Springfield, IL. Our range is a membership-based facility that offers a safe and secure environment for shooters of all levels. In addition to our range, there are several other shooting clubs, businesses, and organizations in the Springfield area and throughout Central Illinois that provide shooting facilities and related services. To help you find the information you need, we have compiled a list of useful web links to local, regional, and state-wide websites. These resources offer a wealth of information on shooting opportunities, events, and services in the area.
Shooting Clubs
Abe Lincoln Gun Club
Chillicothe Sportsmen's Club
Pine Tree Pistol Club (Rockford)
Shooting Clubs
Springfield Tactical Shooters (Curran)
George Eames
Rob Lewis
MTM Arms (Athens)
Shooting Clubs
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